Cloud & Application Security

Cloud Security

Kitt data is hosted on AWS servers, which features the best data security and reliability in the world.

AWS Security Measures

AWS has an exceptional security protocol for their web services. Security is their top priority. AWS is architected to be the most secure global cloud infrastructure on which to build, migrate, and manage applications and workloads. This is backed by a deep set of 300 security services and features and the trust of millions of customers, including the most security sensitive organizations like government, healthcare, and financial services.

In-transit Encryption

All of our data is encrypted in transit via TLS using industry standards.

At rest Encryption

Our data is encrypted at rest by AWS KMS


Our architecture, deployed in AWS, eliminates any single point of failure for our system. We have architected our services to be independent, meaning our critical systems are secure and sandboxed.

We use firewalls to prevent access to our AWS deployments with Cloudflare, a best in-class firewall for web services to prevent DoS attacks.

We have monitor systems in place to automatically alert Kitt of any potential issue, meaning we can react quickly, mitigating risk of downtime.


We are GDPR compliant

Application Security


Passwords are hashed with a best-in-class password hashing algorithm.

Attribute-based access control

We operate an attribute based access control system, meaning permissions can be low-level and granular, ensuring that only exactly the right people can access resources.

Audit Logs

We operate on a completely event-driven architecture, meaning every action on our system is auditable and observable by the right people.